One day, you find yourself in a dungeon. Looking around, you see the lock to get out. Underneath the lock, there is a puzzle:


Intrigued by the puzzle, you wonder if there was a way to perform a rotation and dilation on AB such that you create AC⁠, one of the legs of the triangle. Then, it hits you: use the complex plane! The coordinates (x⁠,y)(x, y) on the coordinate plane correspond to the point x+yix + yi on the complex plane. Namely, the x-value corresponds to the real component and the y-value corresponds to the imaginary component. The point x+yix+yi is written in rectangular form, and has nice properties when dealing with rotations and dilations. For examples, rotations can be dealt with using Euler’s Formula.

Rotations on the Complex Plane

Euler’s Formula states that

eθi=cosθ+isinθ.e^{\theta i} = + i.

Unfortunately, a proof of this formula will be beyond the scope of this article.

Let’s say that you have the point eαie^{\alpha i}. In rectangular form, the point is expressed as cosα+isinα + i. On the complex plane, this is the same point as the angle α on the unit circle in the complex plane. To get from angle α\alpha to angle α+β\alpha + \beta⁠, we need perform a transformation on eαie^{\alpha i} such that the argument (the angle) becomes α+β\alpha + \beta. By complex number multiplication, we multiply eβie^{\beta i} to eαie^{\alpha i} to get e(α+β)ie^{(\alpha + \beta) i}. Thus, to rotate point eαie^{\alpha i} counterclockwise about the origin by β⁠, we multiply it by eβie^{\beta i}⁠, or cosβ+isinβ + i.

Dilations on the Complex Plane

Now, let’s explore dilations. Let’s start again with a point on the complex plane, namely, meαi=m(cosα+isinα)me^{\alpha i} = m(cos{\alpha} + i). Since the magnitude of cosα+isinα\cos\alpha + i is 11⁠, the magnitude of m(cosα+isinα)m(cos{\alpha} + i) is mm. We want to dilate the point such that the magnitude is now nn. Thus, we multiply by nm{m} to get

nmmcosα+sinαi=nmm⁠,nmmeαi=n. {m} |m\cos\alpha + i| &= {m} \cdot m, {m} \cdot me^{\alpha i} &= n.

Thus, to dilate a point meαime^{\alpha i} such that the magnitude becomes nn⁠, we multiply it by nm{m}.

Solving the Puzzle

With the power of the complex plane, we are able to rotate and then dilate AB to create AC. To rotate AB⁠, we first transform AB such that AA lies on the origin. Otherwise, we are rotating BB around the origin, instead of BB with respect to AA. Thus, we subtract (3⁠,1)(3, 1) from all points to get that A’ = (0, 0) and B’ = (5, 12). Then, we translate this onto the complex plane to get that A’ = 0 and B’ = 5+12i.


To rotate AB to AC⁠, we need to rotate by angle BAC clockwise around the origin. Let BAC be θ\theta. Since ACB=90 = 90^{\circ}⁠, cosθ=1213 = {13} and sinθ=513 = {13}. However, since we are rotating by an angle clockwise, we are multiplying by eθie^{\theta i}. On the unit circle, a negated angle has the same cosine but opposite sine. Thus, eθi=cosθsinθ=1213513ie^{-\theta i} = - = {13} - {13}i . Then, we are multiplying 5+12i5 + 12i by eθi=1213513ie^{-\theta i} = {13} - {13}i. Simplifying, we get

(5+12i)(1213513i)=12013+11913i.(5+12i)\left({13} - {13}i\right) = {13} + {13}i.

Next, we dilate B’ such that magnitude matches that of what C’ should be. Since |B’| = 13 and |C’| = 12⁠, we multiply 12013+11913i{13} + {13}i by 1213{13} to get that the coordinates of C’ are

1440169+1428169i.{169} + {169}i.

Lastly, we translate C’ back to the original spot by adding AA⁠, or 3+i3+i to every coordinate to get that the coordinates of CC in rectangular form are

1947169+1597169i.{169} + {169}i.

Thus, the coordinates of CC on the coordinate plane is (1947169⁠,1597169)\left({169}, {169}\right). Suddenly, a floating iPad comes into existence in front of you, just in time for you to type in the coordinates and open the door. We have conquered a puzzle using the power of the complex plane!