Student Leadership Group

Photo of Immanuel Whang

Immanuel Whang


After taking his first AMC 8 in 4th grade, Immanuel fell in love with problem solving and never looked back. Since then, some of his mathematical experiences include taking the USAJMO, attending PROMYS, and competing at HMMT. In his free time, Immanuel enjoys listening to music and going on walks.

Photo of Amy Cui

Amy Cui


Amy is a junior at Lakeside School. She began participating in math competitions in elementary school and has since attended MOP twice, qualified for JMO three times, and was a JMO Top Winner. Her favorite subject in math is geometry. Outside of math, she enjoys running track and cross country, listening to music, reading, and spending time with friends.

Photo of Rohan Dhillon

Rohan Dhillon

Competitions Director

This is Rohan’s third year on SLG, and he is now director of Competitions. He has experience in the world of math competitions (HMMT, AIME x4) and math research (MIT PRIMES-USA). Outside of math, he enjoys math, physics, and computer science — as well as tennis and MUN.

Photo of Alex Chen

Alex Chen

Competitions Associate Director, Outreach, Content

Alex is a junior at Overlake who loves collaborative math, having participated in ARML multiple times and attended summer programs. He has qualified for AIME 3 times, and still participates in math tournaments. Outside of math, Alex enjoys debating, solving puzzles, playing tetris, and hiking out in the Cascades.

Photo of Jai Bindlish

Jai Bindlish

Web Outreach Director

Jai is a sophomore at Tesla STEM High School. He started his math journey in 4th grade, with the AMC8. Since then, he has participated in many math excursions, like SMT, AIME, BMT, and ARML. When he's not doing math, you can find him playing football, teaching TaeKwonDo as a 2nd degree black belt, and messing with Arduinos and other microcontrollers.

Photo of Christopher Peng

Christopher Peng

Competitions, Content

Christopher is a sophomore at Lakeside School. Competitive math has been a big part of his life ever since first grade, when he participated in Math League and Math Kangaroo. He is a 4x AIME qualifier and has qualified for USAJMO once, and has also participated in USAMTS, BMT, and HMMT. Aside from math, he enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, chess, and board/card games. His favorite ways to relax are reading, listening to music, and playing Brawl Stars.

Photo of Daniel Ge

Daniel Ge


Daniel Ge is a student and coach passionate in mathematics and coding. He is a two-time USAJMO Winner (Silver) and USACO Platinum contestant. Outside of math, Daniel greatly enjoys hiking, skiing, and biking around the Pacific Northwest with his friends and family.

Photo of Benjamin Fu

Benjamin Fu


Benjamin is a contributor of the Competitions Committee in SIMC. He was a MOP 2024 qualifier and has attended various contests such as HMMT and ARML. In his free time, he enjoys playing Minecraft.

Photo of Erin Bian

Erin Bian


Erin Bian is a freshman at Lakeside School. She is a 3-time AIME qualifier and earned Honorable Mention in the 2024 USAJMO. Erin has also qualified for Math Prize for Girls twice, earning Honorable Mention at the 2024 competition. In 8th grade, she represented Washington at MATHCOUNTS Nationals. This past summer, Erin participated in the G2 math camp held at MIT. Her other hobbies include chess, programming, ultimate frisbee, and debate.

Photo of Hannah Ma

Hannah Ma

Outreach, Competitions

Hannah is currently a sophomore at Lakeside School, and she's enjoyed doing math since elementary school. She has qualified for the AIME three times and the USAJMO once. Apart from doing math, she enjoys dancing, golfing, having fun with her friends, and listening to music.

Photo of Edward Li

Edward Li


Edward is a Sophomore at Mercer Island High School. He enjoys doing math and his biggest math achievements include qualifying for USAJMO once, winning Mathcounts State, and being a 3-time AIME qualifier. Outside of math, he likes to play chess, do robotics, watch his favorite football teams, FC Barcelona and the Spain National Team, run cross country, and study world (including US) politics and law.

Photo of Eric Shao

Eric Shao


Eric Shao is a freshman at Mercer Island High School and is excited to be on Outreach and Competitions this year. He has been doing math competitions since 6th grade and has qualified for the AIME multiple times, as well as qualifying for MATHCOUNTS Nationals in 2023. Outside of math, Eric enjoys playing tennis, doing debate, and playing various TCGs.

Photo of Joyce Huang

Joyce Huang

Outreach Director

Joyce Huang is a senior at Redmond High School. She won an Honorable Mention at the 2023 USAJMO. Joyce enjoys math because Joyce enjoys joy and math makes Joyce rejoice. Joyce also enjoys playing the oboe, as well as the piano, cello, flute, alto saxophone, trumpet, and hopefully the lituus someday.

Photo of Max Guo

Max Guo


Max Guo is a rising senior at Skyline High School, outside of contest math he is interested in Machine Learning and its connections with Neuroscience.

Photo of Christina Liu

Christina Liu

Outreach Associate Director

Christina is a junior at Lakeside School. She is a USAJMO qualifier, has qualified for the AIME four times, been on the AMC 10 Distinguished Honor Roll twice, and is a Canada/USA Mathcamp and HCSSiM alum. Outside of math, she enjoys any kind of board sport (snowboarding, skateboarding, wakeboarding, surfing, probably fireboarding if it existed), playing cello and electric guitar, and annihilating people at volleyball. Here’s a lame fact about her: if she was born three hours later, she would be four years old!

Photo of Amey Bharambe

Amey Bharambe


Amey is a junior at Redmond High School who loves math! He has participated in math competitions for years and enjoys the experience. Some of his achievements include AIME qualification and HM at the Stanford Math Tournament. When not "mathing", Amey likes to watch YouTube and play video games.

Photo of Sophia Shen

Sophia Shen

Outreach, Content

Sophia is a sophomore at Interlake High School. She discovered her passion for competitive mathematics in middle school and has since then qualified for the AIME, USAJMO, and attended the Math Prize for Girls competition. Her favorite things about competitive math are the supportive community and lasting friendships she's made along the way. Outside of math, she enjoys coding, reading a good book, baking, and playing with her cat. In fact, cats are her favorite animal!

Photo of Tara Saini

Tara Saini


Tara is a sophomore at Bellevue High School. She has qualified for AIME, competed at CMIMC, and attended Mathroots over the summer. She also enjoys advanced math, especially graph theory. Outside of school and math, Tara enjoys playing soccer and learning violin.

Photo of Max Xie

Max Xie

Competition, Outreach

Max is a 10th grader at Tesla STEM High School. His least favorite math topic is geometry like any sane person.

Photo of Hongning Wang

Hongning Wang

Hongning is a senior at Eastlake High School. He has served on the SLG for the past 4 years.

Photo of Eric Yee

Eric Yee

Content Director

Eric is a senior at Jackson High School who loves the dark arts of math. Sadly, he is more or less retired from competition math and pursues math research instead.

Photo of Laura Wang

Laura Wang


Laura is a freshman at Lakeside School. She started enjoying math when she was five. Since then, she has qualified for JMO, tied for 7th at Math Prize for Girls in 2024, and was a MATHCOUNTS Nationals semifinalist. Her favorite math subject is geometry. When she’s not doing math she likes to draw, ice skate, and listen to music.